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Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

Welcome to the page for policies, procedures, forms and statements! The contents of this page are arranged in alphabetical order.

  1. Academic-Appeal-Policy v12
  2. Academic Conduct and Malpractice Policy v15
  3. Academic Freedom Policy v11
  4. Admissions Appeals and Complaints Procedure – this can be found in the Admissions tab
  5. Code-of-Ethical-Conduct v8
  6. Complaints-Policy-v13
  7. Computer-Access-Policy-v7
  8. Conflicts-of-Interest-Policy-v8
  9. Employability-Strategy-Policy v13
  10. Equality and Diversity Policy – this can be found in the Admissions tab
  11. Environment-and-Sustainability-Policy-v8
  12. External-Speaker-Policy-v9 – External-Speaker-Policy-Form
  13. Extenuating-Circumstances-Policy 13
  14. Fitness-to-Practise-Procedure-v16
  15. Fitness-to-Study-Procedure-v15
  16. Freedom-of-Speech-Policy v9
  17. HESA_Student_collection_notice_2022-23
  18. Internal-Programme-Approval-Procedure-v7
  19. IT-E-Learning-Policy-v9
  20. Modern-Slavery-Human-Trafficking-statement-v10
  21. Multi-Faith-Quiet-Prayer-Space-Guidelines-2024
  22. Non-academic-Misconduct-Procedure-v11
  23. Pastoral-Care-Policy v8
  24. Prevent-Policy-v9
  25. Privacy-Notice-v8
  26. Recognition-of-Prior-Learning-Policy-v8
  27. Refund-and-Compensation-Policy-v15
  28. Safeguarding-Policy-v9
  29. Sexual-Misconduct-Anti-bullying-and-Harassment-Policy 2024-25  – How to ReportReporting FormAnonymous Reporting FormOnline-Reporting-Form Online-Anonymous-Reporting-Form
  30. Staff Academic Malpractice Policy v9
  31. Staff-Development-Policy-v8
  32. Student-Engagement-Policy v8
  33. Student Recruitment and Admissions Policy – this can be found in the Admissions tab
  34. Student Transfer Plan v8
  35. Whistleblowing-Policy-v9
  36. Work-Experience Policy-v12

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