Why NOW is a great time to become a Teacher
Why NOW is a great time to become a Teacher
By Programme Leader Mandy Hayward
There is no doubt that COVID-19 pandemic had a huge effect on teaching and being a teacher. During that time, The City College met the challenge of ‘business as usual’. From the start of restrictions in March 2020, teaching was transferred online using Microsoft Teams and Zoom, and we worked from home. Our learner’s studies were not interrupted, and from then on, we supported each other to complete the Pearson Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training. The ongoing activity helped the ‘well-being’ of staff and learners by focusing on developing online skills. It increased knowledge and understanding while the ‘chaotic’ world spun around us.
COVID-19 threw up many new challenges for teachers.
It required us to develop new ways of schooling, engaging with learners and thinking outside the box. We had to get used to seeing our lovely faces on camera, share resources online via screen sharing and connect with challenging learners who were tech shy. New creative ways allowed us to work together by doing live discussions and evidencing assessments.
Having break-out room activities, discussions, Kahoot and Google Drive was a great move forward, as it enhanced digital technology and utilised platform capability.
There was no ‘break-in learning’ for The City College learners and teachers. Bedrooms were converted into small offices, office chairs were delivered to ensure the ‘right posture’ and Microsoft Teams served us well to keep in touch.
We also witnessed our DET learners asking for advice on how to ‘school’ their children and transfer knowledge to develop personal family skills.
In difficult times, it was a testament to the ‘teaching profession’ of how important teaching is as a career. Teachers are crucial for society and mentoring learners by increasing well-being and education.
So if you are looking for a career that makes a difference, then think about being a TEACHER.